Asbestos Operations & Maintenance (4 Hour) Refresher
Course Description

This Asbestos Operations and Maintenance refresher training reaccredits individuals to perform operations, maintenance and repair activities which may disturb minor quantities of ACM, PACM or asbestos material. This refresher course is designed primarily for custodial and maintenance personnel and individuals in the building trades. Operation and Maintenance certification permits the holder to perform OSHA Class III & IV asbestos work only on minor asbestos projects. Minor asbestos projects must be associated with repairs required in the performance of emergency or routine maintenance activity and is not intended solely as asbestos abatement.
Class III Asbestos Work – repair and maintenance operations, where ACM, including TSI and surfacing ACM and PACM is likely to be disturbed.
Class IV Asbestos Work – maintenance and custodial activities during which employee contact, but do not disturb, ACM or PACM , and activities to clean up dust, waste, and debris resulting
from Class I, II, and III activities.
During this course, students will receive a regulatory review and update on new asbestos legislation pertinent to asbestos work. Beneficial features of this course include real-world examples from experienced instructors, as well as an overview of OSHA, AHERA, NESHAP; acceptable work practices; workplace safety; and air monitoring techniques. You will have the opportunity to interact with your peers and course instructors for maximized learning.
The Following Topics Will Be Reviewed:
- Background Information on Asbestos
- Potential Health Effects of Asbestos Exposure
- Identification and Location of Asbestos
- Federal and State Regulatory Review
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Personal Hygiene
- Work Area Preparation
- Decontamination Systems
- Work Practice Standards
- Safety and Health Hazards
- Occupant Relations/Safety
- Glovebag Techniques
Please Note: Your state has detailed education, experience and application processing requirements to qualify for licensing in the Asbestos field. Most states administer their own asbestos programs, and each state's Department of Environmental Protection/Health is generally the best place to start with questions about requirements and training. Students are responsible to verify these requirements prior to registering for a course.
IMPORTANT: You are required to bring your most current training certificate with you to the refresher course!
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